Thursday, July 9, 2009

KBU ultimate jersey

To KBU ultimate members, we will have our team jersey very soon..the first picture is actually the available color of the jersey.. so choose one more color besides white..the second picture is the design of the t-shirt.. remember !! the available colors are in the 1st picture, which means that we have white(compulsory), navy, black, red, orange, light blue and lime green..7 colors only.. so please choose one.. just pick ur choice.. and we will choose the majority color.. just drop a comment with ur size, name, and color, thats all..


  1. I heard that white is a must, so the other colour I choose would be red! (looks nice)

    I want number 8 if that number not being choosen :)

    If the size is same as our current white and red shirts, then I want size L

    thanks ^,^

  2. Name: Ang
    Number: 18
    Colour: White, Black
    Size: S (got XS even better - the shirts are always too long)

    Thanks! :)

    - Hui Ying
